Apr 4, 2009

European Rett Syndrome Congress, June 5-7, Milan, Italy

1st European Congress on Rett Syndrome - Università degli Studi di Milano, June 5-7, 2009

Rett Syndrome is a rare disease which springs from a genetic mutation of a specific gene, the MECP2, and provokes severe problems to the "girls with beautiful eyes", including neurological disfunctions in movement and development of the brain, cardiac problems, gastric disfunctions and many others.

We need your help to substain AIR (Associazione Italiana Sindrome di Rett) and RSE (Rett Syndrome Europe) and divulgate the results of recent researches on the disease.
Please help us make Rett Syndrome a studied and well-known disease, registering to the congress and bringing your contribution through submittance of an abstract through the web site www.aimgroup.it/29009/airett.

The Organizing Secretariat

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